What is Testosterone?

Both the male and female bodies contain testosterone, with a higher concentration in men. The “male hormone”, testosterone is often called. It is essential for men’s health and potency.

A study in which testosterone injections were used to correct erectile dysfunction showed that testosterone levels can be low. US researchers also found that testosterone levels can be linked with chronic diseases. Health-wise, those who are able to naturally boost testosterone will be more successful.

What should the Testosterone Levels of Men be?

Experts consider a blood level of 3-10 nl/ml (nanograms/milliliter) to be the norm. However, some men may have values higher than 10 ng/ml.

People with low testosterone levels may want to boost their levels by taking testosterone preparations. Experts advise against it. Why? 

If the hormone is provided from the outside, the body’s natural production will decrease over the long-term. This should not be done in the most extreme cases.

Low Testosterone Levels can be caused by Several Factors

Low sleep quality and unhealthy vices like smoking and alcohol consumption can have a significant negative effect on testosterone levels. Experts claim that testosterone levels drop when there is a lot of alcohol, but estrogen levels rise in women who consume more alcohol. 

Hops, for instance, are a strong phytoestrogen. A plant-based female hormone. The many chemicals in cigarettes can also cause a disruption to testosterone’s balance. Regardless of the factor for which you suffer from low Testosterone you can consume TestoUltra, this Natural Supplement will boost you almost instantly: TestoUltra Test

Natural Methods to increase Testosterone – Strategies and Tactics


The testosterone level drops to its lowest point one week after the last ejaculation. A permanently low testosterone level can result from men who abstain for prolonged periods. 

Regular ejaculation, however, has a positive effect. Experts agree: A sexy lifestyle generally results in a higher level of testosterone. If you also consume TestoUltra every day you will notice the changes almost instantly: TestoUltra Buy


For increasing testosterone levels, it is best to do endurance or balance strength training. For cardio, 45 minutes is the ideal time. A workout that is too long should be avoided, at least for men. 

According to medical specialists, marathon runners have “broken their hormone balance”. Competitive athletes should have their testosterone levels checked at least twice per year.

Reduce Abdominal Fat

The enzyme aromatase converts “male hormone” to female estrogen from belly fat. It is well-known that abdominal fat can cause other health problems such as increased blood pressure, obesity and disturbed fat metabolism.

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Intermittent fasting is believed to have many health benefits, including an increase in testosterone levels. A study has shown this to be true. In a study, normal-weight men experienced an increase in testosterone conversion of 180 percent when they fasted for 12 to 56 hours.

Oatmeal for Breakfast

Oat bran and oatmeal are great for increasing testosterone levels. Oats are rich in so-called “avenacosides”, which decrease the amount of a protein in the blood that could otherwise block the sexhormone.

More Cabbage

All kinds of cabbage: broccoli, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, as well as cauliflower. Vitamin C is a major component of cabbage and should be consumed more often. 

In addition, cabbage scores with certain secondary plant substances and an exciting property in terms of testosterone: it inhibits the (testosterone-depleting) aromastasis already mentioned above.

Enjoy Oysters

Oysters are considered an anti-depressant because of their high levels zinc. This mineral can increase testosterone levels.

TestoUltra – The Best Solution

TestoUltra combines testosterone booster and erection stimulant, based exclusively on natural ingredients. It serves to improve sexual performance, to increase the level of testosterone and thus should provide more well-being. Try TestoUltra: TestoUltra Original