How can Testosterone Deficiency be detected?

Every man has the ability to increase or decrease his testosterone production. The production of testosterone can be slowed down by consuming alcohol or plastic components.

Every man should have a sufficient level of testosterone. It is found in the testicles and gonads. This hormone is associated with masculinity, potency, and anabolic effects, i.e. It builds muscle and decreases fat. High levels of testosterol are associated with long lives.

Insufficient testosterone levels in men can increase their risk of heart attack and stroke, as well metabolic diseases like diabetes. The testosterone production in the testes drops after age 35. The average value of 12.4-30 nanomoles per Liter of Blood Serum (depending on how the laboratory measures it) drops by approximately one percent each year.

It is worth having enough testosterone to “not only live longer but to fill each day with more life,” an andrologist and urologist, German Society for Men and Health, says. A higher quality of life for men is undoubtedly a result of testosterone. Certain foods, such as oatmeal and broccoli, can increase testosterone production. The influence of posture is also remarkable.

How to identify a Testosterone Deficiency?

It doesn’t often take more than a simple blood test to determine if there is too much testosterone in your body.

The following are possible symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency:

  • Reduced muscle strength
  • Diminution in libido
  • Significantly less sex than ever before
  • Faster weight gain than normal
  • Symptoms of upset
  • Sleep disturbances

Increasing Testosterone Levels without taking Medication

Medications compensate for pronounced, detectable testosterone deficiency. Side effects of testosterone replacement therapy include hair growth and weight gain. There are other options to increase the body’s testosterone production through lifestyle changes. Certain measures can help increase the biologically active testosterone.

Because not all testosterone molecules floating in blood do so on cells. Albumin and SHGB (sexhormone-binding globulin), block the male hormone. This is why it is crucial to know not only the hormone levels in the blood, which can be measured during a testosterone test, but also the testosterone binding globulins albumin and SHGB. The urologist/andrologist can determine the biologically active testosterone from these three parameters. This value should not exceed 0.074 nanomoles/liter.

These steps are recommended for increasing biologically active testosterone.

1. Interval Training

Interval training is the best. Several studies on the topic recommends that exercise be performed three times per week for 20 minutes. He alternates between endurance training like running or strength training. This has been proven to increase testosterone levels by 40%.

Or you can simply train according to the 3x3x3x3 program created specifically for men in their prime. This means that you should do three exercises per day for three minutes each. Overtraining can lead to the opposite effect, which is a decrease in testosterone. Marathon runners might have a well-toned body and muscles but a low testosterone level.

2. Reduce Abdominal Fat

A man with an abdominal circumference greater than 94 cm should lose weight. The fat around the midriff forms the female sex hormone estradiol, which is produced by the enzyme aromatosis. The result is that the man gets fatter and his libido drops. Taking care of your weight is important for your health and if you consume TestoUltra every day you can increase your Hormones very fast: TestoUltra Test

3. Save Calories, especially at Night

Light fasting generally has a positive impact on testosterone levels. The key factor is the daily calorie balance. However, avoiding carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar at night significantly increases morning testosterone levels.

4. Vitamin D

Low testosterone is often associated with a low vitamin D level. The expert says that it is not clear why vitamin D deficiencies cause a reduction in testosterone. He says that a link has been established. Men should get sunlight every day, and maybe take vitamin D tablets.

Read more: TestoUltra

5. The “Testosterone Diet”

Some foods can promote the production of testosterone. Oatmeal is one example. These secondary plant substances, called avenacosides (natural steroids saponins), raise testosterone levels. Men should eat porridge or oatmeal muesli in the morning. 

The testosterone effects of oatmeal and porridge have been well known for some time. Horse owners should avoid high amounts of oats because horses can become aggressive and hyperactive, which is a sign of the negative side to the male hormone.

Unsaturated fatty acid are also important in the formation of Testosterone:

  • Nuts
  • Almonds
  • Hemp oil
  • Safflower oil contains.

It is recommended to eat a few (unsalted!) nuts each day and to use vegetable oils when cooking.

Cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli, spinach, lettuce and kale) are also important for men. Indole-3carbinol, a secondary plant substance, is found in green vegetables. This substance acts as an aromatase inhibitor (naturally). It prevents testosterone from forming estradiol. It also binds to the SHGB, a testosterone inhibitor.

Although soybeans have been long discredited for their ability to lower testosterone levels in men, they are actually harmless. It doesn’t affect testosterone levels in men so it is not harmful. However, soy can reduce harmful cholesterol in the body. If you follow these tips and try TestoUltra you will notice the difference in a short time: TestoUltra Buy

6. Get enough Sleep to reduce Stress

Cortisol, which is a stress hormone, can be produced more by a lack of sleep or mental stress. Cortisol, which is an antagonist to testosterone, lowers the biologically active male hormone. In order to prevent testosterone deficiency, it is important to get enough sleep and reduce stress.

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